DIC India is one of the largest companies in the Indian publishing and packaging industry segment, serving top-of-the-line newspapers, magazines, packaging and printing establishments in the country.
Q4FY2018-19 Results highlights:
*Opertaing Profit margin Growth YoY:7548.57%
*Net Profit Qtr Growth YoY :412.13%
*Operating Profit Growth Qut YoY : 7832.31%
*Revenue Growth Qtr YoY :3.81%
Sector Update based on Rating Agencies: Credit quality of writing and printing paper makers to sustain despite large capacity additions & Firm realisations and rising demand to mitigate impact of capex debt.“Healthy cash generation and steady demand will help absorb the proposed capacity expansions without any impact on Debt/EBITDA levels. This lends stability to credit profiles in the sector.
Point to be noted here is that recently Daily Newspaper has seen substantial growth in Readers.
Equity Value Per Share ( Enterprise Value Method ): Rs.316.90
Book Value: Rs.304.91
The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail : mail@niftynext.com
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Q4FY2018-19 Results highlights:
*Opertaing Profit margin Growth YoY:7548.57%
*Net Profit Qtr Growth YoY :412.13%
*Operating Profit Growth Qut YoY : 7832.31%
*Revenue Growth Qtr YoY :3.81%
Sector Update based on Rating Agencies: Credit quality of writing and printing paper makers to sustain despite large capacity additions & Firm realisations and rising demand to mitigate impact of capex debt.“Healthy cash generation and steady demand will help absorb the proposed capacity expansions without any impact on Debt/EBITDA levels. This lends stability to credit profiles in the sector.
Point to be noted here is that recently Daily Newspaper has seen substantial growth in Readers.
Equity Value Per Share ( Enterprise Value Method ): Rs.316.90
Book Value: Rs.304.91
Support us using our Amazon Associates Link to BUY products from Amazon @ https://www.amazon.in/ref=assoc_aax_fallback_728x90?tag=8802230836-21&linkCode=ur8