Industries Ltd closes
at ₹122.75 with a Gain of +2.20% on
05-March-2021 with formation of a Green
Candle on Daily Price Chart.
About the Company
: ITL Industries Limited is an India-based
company, which is engaged in manufacturing of band saw machines, computerized
numerical control (CNC) tube mills, and machine tools and sale/purchase of
hydraulic items, among others. The principal business activities of the Company
include machine manufacturing, and trading of cutting tools and hydraulics,
among others. The Company's segments include machine manufacturing and trading
activities. The Company's product portfolio includes High Speed Metal Cutting
Band Saw Machine; Automatic Metal Cutting Band Saw Machine; High Speed Vertical
Band Saw Machine; High Speed Circular Sawing Machines; Tube Mill; ON-Line Fly
Cutt Off; Band Saw Blades; Mitre Cutting Band Saw Machine; Special Purpose
Horizontal Bandsaw Metal Sawing Machines; Condensor Vessel/Heat Exchanger End
Cutting Machine, and Aluminum Billet Cutting Bandsaw Machine for Extrusion
Sector Update : The tiles sector will see momentum in the near term with
revival of the Industrial & Auto sector.
Strength : Gradual recovery in the domestic in the
construction, auto & industrial sector will act as catalyst for this
company in Mid-Long term.
Financials : The
Company has posted Net Sales of ₹
79.00Cr and Net Profit of ₹4.00Cr with Net Profit Margin of5% in FY2020 and Net
Sales of ₹76.00Cr with Net Profit of ₹3.00Cr with 4% of Net Profit margin.
Valuations :
The Company is now Trading at X 0.90 of its valuations ( last 4Quaters earnings considered
here) with ~10% Discount and at X0.84 of its FY 2021, which is now almost ~16% Discount
to its value and X 0.80 of
its FY 2022 earning with a Discount of ~20%
and X0.75 of its FY2023 earning with ~25% Discount to its valuations.
Margin of Safety (1Yr Bond Yield: Value>1 ) is
now 0.7, which makes it attractive. The Best Price at X1 EPV to Past Reference(5Yrs) is ₹123 & Equity Value Per Share ( Enterprise
Value Method ) is ₹117.80 .
Disclaimer : We are / may going to take exposure shortly.
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Data Source | NSE
Website | Screener.In | Capital Line | Money
Control |
The author tracks economic, behavioural and
corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental
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