Alufluoride Ltd has posted Net Sales / Revenue of ₹75.72 Cr & Net Profit of ₹10.34 Cr in FY2020 and expected to post Net Sales / Revenue of ₹75.50Cr & Net Profit of ₹9.21 Cr in FY2021 and Net Sales / Revenue of ₹96.59 Cr & Net Profit of ₹13.55 Cr in FY2022 .
Whats the Future : 1. Green field project in Jordan 2. Earnings are expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.5 percent for the next two years
Valuations : The Company is now Trading at X 1.40 of its valuations ( last 4Quaters earnings considered here)at ~40 % premium and at X1.07 of its FY 2021, which is now almost ~7% Premium to its value and X0.73 of its FY2022 earnings with a Discount of ~ 27 %.
EV/ EBITDA is for FY-2020 is 7.7 and 8.3 for FY21 and 5.6
for the FY2022.
The Fare Value of Equity Per Share
is ₹197.43 for FY2021 and ₹290.46 for FY2022.
Disclaimer : We are
/ may going to take exposure shortly.
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Source | NSE Website | Screener.In | Capital Line |
Money Control |
The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method. You can reach me/us at | Twitter # NiftyNext1 | e-Mail : Mail@NiftyNext.Com | Tel +91 8802230836 | Telegram # TheNiftyNext |