CRISIL Limited is an India-based analytical company. The Company is a provider of ratings, data and research, analytics and solutions. It operates
through three segments: Ratings, Research and Advisory. The Ratings segment offers rating services, which include credit ratings for corporates,
banks, bank loans, small and medium enterprises (SME), grading services and global analytical services. The Research segment includes global
research and analytical services, industry reports, customized research assignments, subscription to data services, independent equity research, initial
public offer (IPO) gradings and training. The Advisory segment consists of infrastructure advisory, sale of software and annual maintenance contracts. It
conducts infrastructure advisory and risk solutions business through its subsidiary, CRISIL Risk and Infrastructure Solutions Limited. It provides
advisory services in urban development and infrastructure financing in India and other emerging countries.
Now why One should be bullish on it ?
Since Indian Industry is going for CAPEX in recent times, sector mainly Steel, cement has already on the line and they will need CREDIT from Banks, FIIs or by Bonds & Debentures. It opens the new earning avenue for CRISIL.
If we goes in 2013-15, when the same story was played ie. Industry was on capex roll, the Rating Agency stocks has given multiplier Returns.
Accumlations at lower levels will be 2/3x in values.
Disclaimer : We are / may going to take exposure shortly.
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