The Indian benchmark indices started the Samvat 2068 on a positive note as the 50-share barometer index of NSE, Nifty began hovering above 5200, while the 30-share Sensex opened over 100 points above the base line. Despite this, profit booking was seen in the closing half an hour. thus marking the end of Mahurat session with a flat note.
Nifty opened at 5,215 and hit a high of 5,219 while also hit the low of 5,196 during the Mahurat trading. Amid marginal gains in Capital goods, PSUs, Healthcare spaces the index finally ended over the 5200 mark.
The top gainers were Hindalco Industries Ltd. (Rs. 128.25,+2.19%), State Bank of India (Rs. 1866.95,+1.44%), Coal India Ltd. (Rs. 328.80,+1.28%), Bharti Airtel Ltd. (Rs. 392.85,+1.17%), Sterlite Industries (India) Ltd. (Rs. 122.15,+1.08%), among others
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Nifty opened at 5,215 and hit a high of 5,219 while also hit the low of 5,196 during the Mahurat trading. Amid marginal gains in Capital goods, PSUs, Healthcare spaces the index finally ended over the 5200 mark.
The top gainers were Hindalco Industries Ltd. (Rs. 128.25,+2.19%), State Bank of India (Rs. 1866.95,+1.44%), Coal India Ltd. (Rs. 328.80,+1.28%), Bharti Airtel Ltd. (Rs. 392.85,+1.17%), Sterlite Industries (India) Ltd. (Rs. 122.15,+1.08%), among others
Call NiftyNext # +91 80171 98633 Or SMS NiftyNext @ 880 2230 836 For Paid Calls or Email at MAIL@NIFTYNEXT.COM Know More About Your Packages For Best Performance in Stocks Markets @