Thursday, September 19, 2019

Rising Sectors

Artificial intelligence, life sciences, Internet of Things, and enterprise infrastructure.
You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :

Saturday, August 24, 2019

D-Link India Ltd ( DLINKINDIA ) - A MultiBagger, Buy/Sell/Hold, Growth Prospects and Recommendation, News and Results, Target Price and Analysis, Views and Outlook, Hot Stocks/Picks

DLINKINDIA closes   at ₹ 88.70   with  a  gain  of   +5.2 %   on    23-August -2019   with formation of  a  Long Red   Candle    on Daily  Price Chart.   Technically,  DLINKINDIA is  Trading below its 200DMA and in long downtrend since 2015.
About the Company : D-Link (India) is engaged in marketing and distribution of networking products in India and SAARC region. It offers products that extend across home, small-and-medium, and enterprise network equipment, including Ethernet switches, firewall security, wireless access points, Internet protocol (IP) surveillance cameras, networking storage, Internet of Things (IoT) and structured cabling etc.
Valuations : DLINKINDIA is now Trading at X0.9 of its Value ( March 2019 earnings ). If we factor its FY2020(E) earnings, it is now Trading at ~20% Discount. Enterprise Value Annual /Share is 86.66 ( March 2019 basis ). Net Cash / Share is 8.70 (March 2018)
Why Buy :  Business risk profile will witness healthy improvement over the medium term driven by increasing revenue from project businesses. Financial risk profile may remain healthy because of absence of any major capex and limited reliance on working capital debt.  Revenue growth of at least 15% and profitability of above 6% is expected in next FY.Liquidity is adequate. In the absence of capex plans and repayment obligations, cash accrual, expected at Rs 20-30 crore each in fiscals 2020 and 2021 will support liquidity. Also reliance on short-term debt is minimal with funded limit utilisation at about 5%. Cash surplus, at Rs 24 crore as on March 31, 2019, is expected to remain healthy over the medium term
We may    BUY /    Accumulate  DLINKINDIA  at CMP or Lower level
Target : ₹ 145-180
Stop: Loss : ₹ Nil ( Accmulations Basis)
Time Frame: 24-36 Months
Red Flag :  NIL
Disclaimer : We are / may going to take exposure shortly.
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The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :
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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Stocks : Discounted to Intrinsic Value ( EPV Method )

We are Uploading a list of Stocks which are now available at  Discounted to Intrinsic Value ( EPV Method ). We have used the data from to filter the stocks using our own valuations formula. Get the list from the Download link below.
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The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :
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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Precision Camshafts Ltd ( PRECAM ) - A MultiBagger, Buy/Sell/Hold, Growth Prospects and Recommendation, News and Results, Target Price and Analysis, Views and Outlook, Hot Stocks/Picks

Precision Camshafts Ltd closes   at ₹ 51.70   with  a  fall   of   -5.5 %   on    07-July -2019   with formation of  a  Long Red   Candle    on Daily  Price Chart.   Technically,  Precision Camshafts Ltd is  Trading below its 200DMA and in long downtrend since Oct 2016.
About the Company : Precision Camshafts carries on the business of manufacturing of chilled cast iron camshaft castings and fully machined camshafts ready for assembly.

Valuations : Precision Camshafts Ltd  is now Trading at X0.8 of its Value ( March 2019 earnings ). If we factor its FY2020(E) earnings, it is now Trading at ~29% Discount & ~35% with its FY2021(E) earnings. Enterprise Value Annual /Share is 53.33 ( March 2019 basis ). Net Cash / Share is 35.20 (March 2018)
( Earnings Estimate Source:  )
We may    BUY /    Accumulate  Precision Camshafts Ltd  around  40-44
Target : ₹ 79.50 -125
Stop: Loss : ₹ Nil ( Accmulations Basis)
Time Frame: 24-30 Months
Red Flag :  Auto sector is in Downtrend presently.
Disclaimer : We are / may going to take exposure shortly.
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The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :
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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Vikram Thermo (India) Ltd ( 530477 ) - A MultiBagger, Buy/Sell/Hold, Growth Prospects and Recommendation, News and Results, Target Price and Analysis, Views and Outlook, Hot Stocks/Picks

Vikram Thermo (India) Ltd closes   at ₹ 99.15   with  a  gain     of    +9 %   on    28-June -2019   with formation of  a  Long Green   Candle    on Daily  Price Chart.   Technically,  Vikram Thermo (India) Ltd  is  consolidating phase  since Sep-2018 and finding its support at the lower levels. Its now crosses over 200DMA.

Valuations : Vikram Thermo (India) Ltd  is now Trading at X1 of its EPV ( March 2019 earnings ). If we factor its FY2021(E) earnings, it is now Trading at ~25% Discount & ~14% with its FY2021(E) earnings. Enterprise Value Annual /Share is .80.63
We may    BUY /    Accumulate  Vikram Thermo (India) Ltd at  CMP ( ^ Better to accumulate at  80  in downtrend )
Target : ₹ 132-198
Stop: Loss : ₹ Accmulations Basis
Time Frame: 24 Months
Disclaimer : We are / may going to take exposure shortly.
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The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :
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Sunday, June 23, 2019


INDIAMART INTERMESH LIMITED (INDIAMART) is going to hit the market soon(24-26 June 2019). We have pointed out some facts about the cos:
1.IndiaMART is India’s largest online B2B marketplace for business products
and services. It has ~ 60% market share of B2B in FY2017.
2.It generate income from web services by~98.9% in 2019.
3. Cash Flow is Positive for the last 3 yrs ( Rs.40.2Cr in 2019)
4.Revenue from Operations increased from Rs.410.5Cr in 2018 to Rs.507.4Cr in 2019
5.Cos has posted profit of Rs.20.00Cr in 2019 compare to Rs.54.8Cr in 2019. It has posted loss of Rs.64.3Cr in 2017
6. Cos. is a cash rich one.Cash and cash equivalents is Rs.40.2Cr & Bank balances is Rs37.5Cr as on 31.03.2019
Valuations : Quess Corp Ltd is now Trading at x2.4 of its EPV ( March 2019 earnings considered here) whereas INDIAMART is offered for subscriptions at X3.5 of its EPV ( 03/2019 earnings basis) at higher price band of Rs.973. Its appears quite costly.

The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :
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Friday, June 14, 2019

Sectors to Invest

We are positive on the below sectors for Short-Mid Term
1. Oil Marking Companies & Paints ( Reason : Correction in Crude Oil )
2.Fertiliser & Agrochemical Sectors ( Reason : Good Monsoon is expected )

The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :
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Monday, May 20, 2019

Modi Re-elactions as PM & Effect on Your Porftilio

At the time of wiring this article, Nifty is Trading at 11635 with up move of +235 points. With conclusion of last phase of Parliament election on 19 May 2019 & Exit Polls showing victory for the Ruling BJP is setting the index on fire.
As a retail investor, we must evaluate ourself the impact on our portfolio.
First of all Economy has its own ups & downs, irrespective of political party.As per my opinion, Indian economy is going to recession or say is in recession as evident from Sales figure of corporate india and Q4 FY 2018-19 financial results. This Political show may take the index too new high in next few trading session, but we at Retail world will not be able to catch the skying rocket stocks.
I am confident that new govt will pay more focus on Infra, Pharam (Medicals) & Railways.
Investment in these sectors will be beneficial in mid to long term.
Wishing you a Happy Investing Term !

The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :
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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Mold-Tek Technologies Ltd- A Value Buy

About the company:
Mold-Tek Packaging Limited traces its origin to Mold-Tek Plastics Private Limited founded in 1985 by Mr. J. Lakshmana Rao and A. Subrahmanyam to manufacture rigid plastic packaging materials with units located in Andhra Pradesh. The company was listed in BSE in 1993. Subsequently, in 2000, the promoters also commenced outsourcing services for engineering to overseas clients in the USA and EU and it was renamed as Mold-Tek Technologies Limited. Thereafter in 2008, the company underwent a re-structuring process, post which two de-merged listed entities were formed - MoldTek Plastics Limited (MTPL) deals in plastic packaging business and Mold-Tek Technologies Limited (MTTL), which is mainly involved in offering KPO services for engineering and design, specialising in civil, structural and mechanical engineering. Subsequently Mold-tek Plastics Limited was renamed as Mold-tek Packaging Limited (the rated entity). The company has manufacturing facilities at seven locations in India, with a combined capacity of 27,000 MTPA and has also
set up a plant in Ras-al-Khaimah in the UAE with a capacity of 3000 MTPA, which commenced operations in FY2017.
MPL is involved in manufacturing injection moulded decorative packaging containers, mainly pails (cylindrical containers) for paint, lube, food and other products. The company has integrated manufacturing facilities to develop the packaging product and apply different kind of labels. It also has in-house facilities to design and manufacture moulds, labels for IML products and manufacture robots used for IML process Healthy financial profile - The company has a strong financial profile characterised by healthy profit margins, low gearing and comfortable coverage indicators. In the last few years, it has witnessed revenue growth and margin improvement aided by repeat orders from the existing customers, new customer acquisition in food segments and favourable shift in
product mix towards the higher-margin IML segment. Subsequent to raising funds through a QIP in FY2015, MPL witnessed a decline in debt levels and gearing with an improvement in its coverage indicators. However, in the last two years, due to the high capex incurred, there has been an increase in working capital borrowing leading to a rise in gearing to 0.6 times as on March 31, 2018 from 0.4 times as on March 31, 2017 and 0.2 times as on March 31, 2016. With high capex plans in the near term, which may be partly debt funded, there may be some pressure on its capital structure, but
they are likely to remain at healthy levels.
Q4 (March)2018-19  REsults Update @{6a71d43c-c70e-4fad-b2d7-9ad707fe81e0}&action=edit&wdPreviousSession=2ae99d97%2D28bc%2D4878%2D9ee6%2De716465474f5
Financial Data Highlights  : Cos is growing at a rate of ~21% RoE & ROCE is 14%.
Valuations : Mold-Tek Technologies Ltd is now available at X1.3 of its EPV( March 2018-19 Financial results are considered here) & Margin of Safety (1Yr Bond Yield: Value>1 ) is 0.90. Its Fare Value arrives at~ Rs.40.20
The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :
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Sunday, April 28, 2019

DIC India Ltd: A True Turnaround Story

DIC India is one of the largest companies in the Indian publishing and packaging industry segment, serving top-of-the-line newspapers, magazines, packaging and printing establishments in the country.
Q4FY2018-19 Results highlights:
*Opertaing Profit margin Growth YoY:7548.57%
*Net Profit Qtr Growth YoY :412.13%
*Operating Profit Growth Qut YoY : 7832.31%
*Revenue Growth Qtr YoY :3.81%
Sector Update based on Rating Agencies: Credit quality of writing and printing paper makers to sustain despite large capacity additions & Firm realisations and rising demand to mitigate impact of capex debt.“Healthy cash generation and steady demand will help absorb the proposed capacity expansions without any impact on Debt/EBITDA levels. This lends stability to credit profiles in the sector.
Point to be noted here is that recently Daily Newspaper has seen substantial growth in Readers.
Equity Value Per Share ( Enterprise Value Method ): Rs.316.90 
Book Value:  Rs.304.91 
The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :
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Saturday, April 27, 2019

Ashish Kacholia' s Latest Pick

We are shortly publishing the Valuations Reports of the above scrips .
Money Control :

The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :
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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Neogen Chemicals Ltd (IPO ) : Valuations of Equity Shares

Neogen Chemicals Ltd IPO will  hit the primary markets on 24 April to 26 April 2019.
Price band: Rs 212 to Rs 215 per share
The net proceeds from the fresh issue are proposed to be utilised towards the following objects:
*Rs 20.5 crore for prepayment or repayment of all or a portion of certain borrowings availed by the company;
*Rs 11.5 crore for early redemption of 9.8% Fully Redeemable Cumulative Preference Shares (FRCPS);
*Rs 20 crore for long-term working capital; and
The remaining amount will be utilized for general corporate purposes.
Valuations : Cos. has posted Net Profit of Rs.10Cr in FY18 (12M) & Rs.12Cr in FY19(9Months ).If we value the stocks at Upper price band of Rs.215, it is offered at X2.1 of its FY18 earnings and X1.8 of its FY19(9Months) earnings.Its peers, Aarti Industries is now Trading at X 3.4 of its last 4Q earnings.

The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :
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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Indian Overseas Bank : A True Turnaround Story

Indian Banking Industry has been facing a challenging days in the past due to rising NPA. Their Balance sheet was affected badly but to high provisioning of Big size  Loans of corporate shouse, mainly steel , telecom & Diamond sectors.
Now The sector is bound for upswing. Mutual fund houses has already increased their , even they have highest exposures to the Banking sector as on 31st March 2019( Business Standard : 21.04.2019 edition )
We always try to ride the booming sectors and its our endeavour to find the best for you. As We have been Bullish on 2 stocks in the Banking sectors namely PNB & IOB ( Please read with disclaimer clause. These 2 are in core portfolio part ).J&K Bank also.
As the results sessions are round the corner, we are expecting the Banking sector will post a good & strong Q4 2018-19 results. IOB will come out of the RED in Q4:2018-19. Its a strong Turnaround story.
Valuations : As we follow the Earning Power Valuations method to value an Equity, it is mmust that Cos. has posted + results in the past/ latest quarter.

The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :
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Friday, April 19, 2019

Reliance Home Finance Ltd : Latest Update

Reliance Home Finance Ltd  has (As per the ALM statement as on February 28, 2019) no negative cumulative mismatches till 1 year time bucket.
Cash and Bank balance stood at Rs.158 crore as on March 18, 2019 and cash credit facility stands fully utilized. Cos. has securitized about Rs.291 crore during the month of March 2019.
Fund Rising will be a  Big Rock Turning issue for the cos. in near future. High cost of fund will be dent on Balance Sheet, though it has a cushion for 1-year.
Valuatations : Reliance Home Finance Ltd is Trading at ~40% Discount to its last 4- Q Earnings.
The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :

Monday, April 15, 2019

Gujarat Industries Power Co Ltd : A Turnaround Story

GIPCL is now Trading at Rs.75.50 & will be a good turnaround play after posting loses in Sep-18 Quater.Cos. is expected to post Rs.259.7Cr profit in FY2018-19.On Valuations front, it is now Trading at X0.33 of 2018-19 earnings. Its Best Price at X1 EPV to Past Reference comes ~Rs.103.50
The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :

Sbi Mutual Fund shareholdings and portfolio

You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :

Sunday, April 14, 2019

MultiBaggers: 2019-2021

We have earmarked 8 stocks which are expected to be Multibagger (X2). We are working on the fairvalue / best price to enter & subsequently put them into watchlist.
The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :

City Union Bank Ltd: Valuations & Price Target Update

City Union Bank Ltd is currenctly trading at Rs.198.20 & available at X2.2 of its Valuations. Cos. is expected to post robust Q4FY18-19 results. If we factor it, its is trading at X1.55 of its Valuations.
The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :

Saturday, April 13, 2019

BCL Industries Ltd: Valuations & Price Target

BCL Industries & Infrastructure is an India-based company engaged in the business of edible oils, distilleries and real estate.It has strong presence in Ethanol manufacturing & currently Trading X 0.5 of its Valuations ( Last 4-Q Earnings considered ) is now Trading at X0.5 of its Current Valuations. Net Cash/Share is Rs. 24 & its fair value comes at Rs.214.7.
The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :

Asahi India Glass Ltd : Valuations & Price Target

Asahi India Glass Ltd (ASAHIINDIA) is engaged interalia, in the business of manufacturing of Auto Glass, Float Glass and other value added Glasses.Important Financial ratios are showing improvement. Cos is expected to show flattish Net Profit in FY 2018-19 due to sluggishness in Auto Sector.With revivial of the Auto Industry in near future and huge demand of glasses in the Housing sector, we are expecting that Cos will post Net Profit of Rs.272.7 Cr in FY2020 & Rs.364.8Cr in FY2021 compare to Rs.196.1Cr in FY2019.
On Valuation front, Cos is now Trading at X3.2 of its EPV (Last4Q) & if we factor the FY2020 earnings, it is available at X1.26. Any correction to the level~202 will be a good opportunity for Buying. Its value arrives at Rs648 (at present related valuations) for FY2020.

The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :

Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri Ltd> Updates

Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri Ltd (TBZ) is buzzing nowdays at browsers and social media & Traders/Investors are asking whats the reason for the move.
As per our calculations, Jewelly sectors is gettting revalued in line with the Upgradtion of the indstry leader TITAN.
TBZ is currecntly Trading at X3.2 of its Valuations ( last 4-Quater earnings are considered here ) to Titan's X7.6 & it below its Book Value of Rs.72.28.
An Upmove upto Rs. 78 can be seen in Short/Mid Ter.

The author tracks economic, behavioural and corporate tends, hoping to gauge good avenues of return based on Fundamental Valuations of Stocks, a follower of EPV method.
You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :

Monday, February 4, 2019

Stocks with Latest Build Up Positions

We are share the list of stocks with latest Build Up position. Please click the below link to access the details ( In excel format )

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Friday, January 25, 2019

Tanfac Industries Ltd

Tanfac Industries Ltd offers Aluminium Fluoride, AHF Acid and Sulphuric Acid, and Speciality Chemicals, is now Trading at ~20% Discounted price of Current Earnings.Cos is expected to see re-valuations in next 6 months.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Prabhat Dairy Ltd: Latest Update

PRABHAT closes at 78.9 on 22.01.2019 with a fall of -15% on the news of stake selling. As per latest media report: “Lactalis, a French dairy products corporation, has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Mumbai­based Prabhat Dairy’smilk processing business for about₹1,700 crore. The French group willbe making the acquisition throughits wholly­owned Indian subsidi­ary, Tirumala Milk Products, by 
Wayof a slump sale.Prabhat Dairy will also sell its en­tire stake in Sunfresh Agro Indus­tries, a step­down subsidiary,through a share purchase agree­ment, the company said in a statement “
Prabhat Dairy intends to further develop its cattle feed business and expand into allied businesses
such as animal nutrition and animal genetics. Earlier on January 8, Prabha t dairy had signed a joint develop­ment agreement Denmark­basedith Dansk Landbrugs Grovvare­elskab (officially DLG Group) as part of its plans to foray into an­mal nutrition business. This inludes cattle feed, nutrition supplements and animal genetics. 

 If the above words stand true, It’s a good bet for Long Term Investor. Prabhat Dairy Ltd is now Trading at  x1.3 of its EPV.  We find its valuations around 58 for Entry with 2-3 years holding period.

You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Why Index is Trading at High PE Despite Low Earnings ?

You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :

Crest Ventures Ltd : Valuations

Crest Ventures Ltd is now Trading at a ~30% Discount to its Value ( Earning Power Valuation method applied ). What is lucrative is that it has Net Cash / Share of Rs. 126. Growth Rate is -46% is alarming .RoE is 25%.
You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Avenue Supermarts Ltd : Q3 FY 2018-19 Results Update

You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :

Syndicate Bank

Syndicate Bank: It will recover Rs 1,500 cr from NPAs in 3-6 months &  will be profitable by the end of March-2019 and start getting profits in June-2019.We have factored the FY-2021 earnings,It is available at a Huge Discount of ~64%.
You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Sectors Which are Looking Good ?

We are expecting that 1.Banks 2.Commercial & Profession Service Providers 3.Commodity Chemicals 4.Health Care Service & 5. Hotel sectors will post Robust Q3 Results in FY 2018-19.

You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Pharma Sector Update

We expecting a Big Bang Q3FY2018-19 Results from Biocon & Lupin.
You can reach the author at +91 880 2230 836 or e-Mail :


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